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Why you should winterize, shrink-wrap your boat

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October is a wonderful month and adds a lot of color to our lives.  As the leaves change colors, we know that this leads to cooler temperatures and, of course, it is time to put our water toys away for the winter.  When we store our boats and Jet Skis for the winter, there are two things that we need to consider.

Does my boat need to be shrink-wrapped?

When should I Winterize my boat?

Each of these options is important to different people depending on how they store their boat in the winter.  If you store your boat in a heated storage facility, then you might not need either.  For the rest of us, we need to at least winterize our boat.

Shrink-Wrap – If you store your boat outside, shrink-wrapping your boat is a fantastic option that I would definitely consider.  When your boat is shrink-wrapped, it creates a seal around the top of your boat that protects it from the outside elements.  Snow will be sealed out and slide right off of the new protection.  Not only does it keep our moisture but it also protects your interior and keeps pests out of your boat.

Boat Winterization – If you live in an area that has cold temperatures, then you should always winterize your boat.  The best time to winterize your boat is right before the first freeze of the year.  Most people wait to long to winterize their boat and it puts their engine at risk.  So a rule of thumb is, if you are not going to use your boat past September, then get it winterized.  Not only will you protect your boat, but also a lot of shops offer discounts for those who winterize early.  We will go into depth on how to properly winterize your boat in another post.

So if you are debating on which service you need, give us a call at 801-489-8697 and we can help guide you in the right direction.

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